Vero VISI v16.0 英文正式版(DVD版)(模具設計軟體) 破解說明:
1.請詳讀CYGiSO資料夾中 ReadME.txt 內容說明:
Vero Software 是一家專為工業領域提供輔助設計與製造解決方案的自主開發並銷售的
正因 Vero Software所提供的整合性平台,才能給你帶來智慧型的操作環境,高效率的
VISI is acknowledged as one of the world's leading PC based CAD / CAM
solutions for the Mould & Die industries. It offers a unique
combination of applications, fully integrated wireframe, surface and
solid modelling, comprehensive 2D, 3D and 5 axis machining strategies
with dedicated high speed routines. Industry specific applications for
plastic injection tool design including material flow analysis and
progressive die design with step-by-step unfolding provide the
toolmaker with unsurpassed levels of productivity.
Vero Software offers dedicated solutions that eliminate the links
between varying software suppliers and the solid-to-surface or CAD/CAM
geometry conversions required by traditional systems. 相關商品:
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VERO VISI v2019 R1 (x64) 專業模具設計 CAD/CAM 軟體 繁體中文正式版(DVD版)